أ.د/ حازم المنسي
استشاري علاج الأورام
- أستاذ علاج الأورام بمركز البحوث الطبية جامعة الإسكندرية
- استشاري علاج الأورام بالمركز التخصصي العالمي لعلاج الأورام SUN
- استشاري علاج الأورام بمستشفى أيادي المستقبل الخيرية
2009-2016 Doctoral Degree in Clinical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria Universit
2010-2012 Clinical Research Fellowship, Institute Jules Bordet, Universite Libre De Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
2004-2008 Master in Clinical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University
2004-2007 Resident in Clinical Oncology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University
1996-2002 Bachelor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University
June 2016- to date Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University (Lecturer, Cancer Management and Research Department)
June 2009 – June 2016 Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University (Assistant Lecturer, Cancer Management and Research Department)
Sep 2008 – To Date Specialized Universal Network of Oncology (SUN) .. (Oncology Specialist at Specialized Universal Network of Oncology, Alexandria, Egypt) (Private Practice)
Dec 2004-March 2009 Alexandria Main University Hospital (Resident & Specialist in Department of Clinical Oncology & Nuclear Medicine – Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University)
June 2004- Dec 2004 Alexandria Student University Hospital (General practitioner physician in the Causality Department)
March 2003- March 2004 Faculty of Medicine – Alex University (House Officer for one year of internship in faculty of Medicine – Alexandria University)
European society of medical oncology ESMO
American society of clinical oncology ASCO
Barriers to breast cancer screening among a sample of Egyptian females
Heba M. Mamdouh, Hazem El-Mansy, Ibrahim F. Kharboush, Hanaa M.Ismail, May M. Tawfik, Mohamed Abdel EL-Baky, and Omnia G. El Sharkawy J Family
Community Med. 2014 May-Aug ; 21(2): 119-124
Preoperative chemosensitivity testing as Predictor of Treatment benefit in Adjuvant stage III colon cancer (PePiTA): Protocol of prospective BGDO (Belgian Group for Digestive Oncology) multicentric study
Alain Hendlisz, Vassilis Golfinopoulos, Amelie Deleporte, Marianne Paesmans, Hazem ElMansy, Camilo Garcia, Marc Peeters, Lieven Annemans, Caroline Vandeputte, Marion Maetens, Ivan Borbath, Damien Dresse, Ghislain Houbiers, Michael Fried, Ahmad Awada, Martine Piccart, Jean-Luc Van Laethem and Patrick Flamen. BMC Cancer 2013, 13:190
Baseline FDG PERT-CT parameters as predictors of chemoresponse and survival in metastatic colorectal cancer
Hazem El Mansy, Camilo Garcia, Amelie Deleporte, Lieveke Ameye, Alain Hendlisz and Patrick Flame. J Nucl Med. 2012:53(Supplement 1):1305
FDG-PET Tumor Load Parameters Measured By Total Lesion Glycolysis As Predictord of Treatment Response and outcome in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
El Mansy, C.Garcia, A.Deleporte, L. Ameye, A. Hendlisz, P. Flamen Poster ESMO 2012
Health care service barriers to breast cancer screening among Egyptian females
M. E. EL-Mansy, H. M. Ismail, I. F. Kharboush, M. M. Tawfik, O. G. El Sharkawy, H. Mamdouh, H. Sallam; Alexandria Regional Centre for Women Health and Development, Alexandria, Egypt J Clin Oncol 29: 2011(suppl; abstr 1585)
The Prognostic Significance of Metabolic Response Heterogeneity in Metastatic Response Heterogeneity in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Alain Hendlisz, Amelie Deleporte, Thierry Delaunoit, Raphael Marechal, Marc Peeters, Stephane Holbrechts, Marc Van den Eynde, Ghislain Houbiers, Bertrand Filleul, Jean-Luc Van Laethem, Sarah Ceyssens, Anna-Maria Barbuto, Renaud Lhommel, Gauthier Demolin , Camilo Garcia , Hazem El Mansy, Lieveke Ameye, Michel Moreau, Thomas Guiot, Marianne Paesmans, Martine Piccart, Patrick Flamen