
دكتور عبد السلام عطية اورام

أ.د/ عبدالسلام عطية

استاذ علاج الأورام

  • استاذ علاج الأورام كلية الطب جامعة الإسكندرية
  • استشاري علاج الأورام بالمركز التخصصي العالمي لعلاج الأورام SUN
  • رئيس قسم الأورام الأسبق بكلية الطب جامعة الإسكندرية
  • رئيس قسم الأورام الأسبق بمدينة الملك فهد الطبية بالمملكة العربية السعودية

1987-1990 MMRT. Master Degree in Clinical Oncology.

Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University.

Thesis: "Role of radioisotopes in evaluation of renal function in patients with bladder cancer" Grade very good.

1998 MD. Doctorate Degree in Clinical Oncology. Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University

Experience and services
  • 2001-2004: visiting professor Ministry of Health Ben Ghazi Libya.
  • 2005-2008: Consultant Medical oncology King Fahad Medical City Ryidah KSA.
  • 2010-202: Head Medical Oncology Department King Fahad Medical City Ryidah  KSA.
  • Professor Clinical Oncology Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, 2014- Till Now.
  • 2019-2021Chairman Clinical Oncology Department, Faculty of Medicine Alexandria University.

1.       " Role of radioisotopes in evaluation of renal function in patients with bladder cancer ". Journal of medical research institute. 1993 Jan.5; 314-19.     

2.       " The role of interferon as a modulator of fluorouracil and leucovorin” European journal of cancer. 1995. July, vol. 31 A No.7/8:1316-20. 

3.       " Modulation of fluorouracil cytotoxicity by the combination of interferon a and g ” Mol Pharmacol 1998 Fab;53(2):252-61. 

4.       “Phase I and pharmacologic study of Irinotecan Administrated as a 96-Hour infusion Weekly to Adult Cancer Patients” J Clin Oncol. Feb. 2000;18:659-667.    

5.       “Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic effects of 5-fluorouracil given as a one-hour intravenous infusion” Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 2001;47 (3):117-125.  

6.       “Human plasma carboxylesterase and butyrylcholinesterase enzyme activity: correlations with SN-38 pharmacokinetics during a prolonged infusion of irinotecan”. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 2001;47(4): 283-290  

7.       “Preoperative radiochemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer”. J of Egyptian National Cancer Institute 2001; 13(2) 101-108.  

8.       “Study Of The Serum Levels Of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Angiogenin and Soluble Vascular Cellular Adhesion Molecules-1 In Patients With Lung Cancer”.J of the Medical Research Institute 2002; 23(4): 57-72.

9.        “Phase I study of 9-AC colloidal dispersion formulation given as fortnightly 72-hour infusion”. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 2003;52(4): 333-338.   

10.     “Concomitant chemotherapy and radiotherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer” Bulletin of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine. 2002; 38(3): 293-304.

11.     “The immunohistochemical expression of estrogen and progestron recptor in astrocytomas “The new egyptain journal of medicine 2002;27(2)16-22.

12.     "A phase II and pharmacologic study of fluorouracil given by a 1-hour infusion daily for 5 days with leucovorin and interferon -2a in adenocarcinoma of the large bowel" Oncology Reports 13: 1145-1152, 2005

13.     Review article: "The importance of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynmics in anticancer drug”. Alex Bulletin March 2008 .

14.     Sequential Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy in Treatment of Early Stage Endometrial Carcinoma: Single Institutional Experience. J Nucl Med Radiat Ther 2012, S:6.  

15.     Experience of peripherally inserted central catheters in cancer patients at a cancer center of Saudi Arabia. Basic Research Journal of Medicine and Clinical Sciences ISSN 2315-6864 Vol. 2(4) pp. 46-51 April 2013.

16.     “ Safety and Feasibility of Muslim Fasting While Receiving Chemotherapy” Iosrphr Volume 4, Issue 1(January 2014), Pp 15-20

17.     Intensity-modulated radiotherapy with simultaneous modulated accelerated boost technique and chemotherapy in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

18.     “Higher prevalence of KRAS mutations in colorectal cancer in Saudi Arabia: Propensity for lung metastasis” Alex Journal of medicine 2:145-49, 2014