

أ.د/ ياسر القرم

دكتور ياسر القرم اورام

أ.د/ ياسر القرم

استشاري علاج الأورام

  • أستاذ علاج الأورام - مركز البحوث الطبية - جامعة الإسكندرية
  • أحد مؤسسي المركز التخصصي العالمي لعلاج الأورام
  • استشاري علاج الأورام بالمركز التخصصي العالمي لعلاج الأورام SUN
  • استشاري علاج الأورام بمستشفى أيادي المستقبل الخيرية

:Education and Training

November 1987: Graduated from Alexandria University Medical School with general grade very good, degree obtained MBBCH postgraduate Training

November 1992: Master of Radiotherapy, Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine with general grade excellent, Alexandria University

H.D.D. in Radiotherapy and Clinical Oncology, November 2002, Alexandria University

:Experience and Service

House officer at Alexandria university hospitals, March 1988 to February 1989

Resident registrar in Radiotherapy and clinical oncology department at Alexandria university hospital from 1989 to 1991

Senior resident registrar in Radiotherapy and clinical oncology department at Alexandria university hospital from 1991 to 1992

Assistant Lecturer in Radiation and clinical oncology department at Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University since 1993

Lecturer in Radiation and clinical oncology department at Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University from November 2002 till 2007

Associate professor in the department of cancer management and Research November 2007 till December 2013

Professor of clinical oncology in the department of cancer management and Research MRI Alexandria University from December 2013 till now

:Professional Membership

Member of Egyptian clinical oncology and Nuclear Medicine society (ESCO)

Member of The American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and oncology (ASTRO)

Member Number: 35151216

Member type: CM

Member of American society of clinical oncology (ASCO)