Dr. Saad Abdelfattah Elkomy
Present title and affiliation
Clinical Oncology Specialist at Ministry of Health, Egypt.
Clinical Oncology and Palliative Care Specialist at SUN Oncology Center.
Education and training
Degree-Granting Education
Faculty of Medicine, University of Alexandria, Egypt. Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBcH). September 2004.
· Postgraduate Training
Clinical Oncology Department, University of Alexandria MSC Degree
Resident Clinical Oncologist from 2009-2014 at MOH, Egypt.
Specialist Clinical Oncologist from 2014 to 2017 At MOH, Egypt.
Assistant Consultant Palliative Care at KAMC KSA from 2014 to 2019.
Specialist Clinical Oncologist and Palliative Care at SUN oncology center from April 2019 till present.
European society of medical oncology ESMO
American society of clinical oncology ASCO
Gamal Elhusseiny, Waleed Arafat, Azza Helal, Saad Elkomy: IMRT treatment plans of left breast cancer: comparison with 3DCRT. PAJO 7(3): 28-33, Sep 2014.