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Prof. Abdelsalam Attia

Professor of Clinical Oncology

  • Professor of Clinical Oncology, Alexandria University
  • Consultant Clinical Oncologist, SUN Oncology Center
  • Co-Founder and CEO at SUN Oncology Center

  • 1987-1990 MMRT. Master Degree in Clinical Oncology.

Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University.

Thesis: "Role of radioisotopes in evaluation of renal function in patients with bladder cancer" Grade very good.

  • 1998 MD. Doctorate Degree in Clinical Oncology. Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University
Experience and services:
  • 2001-2004: visiting professor Ministry of Health Ben Ghazi Libya.
  • 2005-2008: Consultant Medical oncology King Fahad Medical City Ryidah KSA.
  • 2010-202: Head Medical Oncology Department King Fahad Medical City Ryidah  KSA.
  • Professor Clinical Oncology Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, 2014- Till Now.
  • 2019-2021Chairman Clinical Oncology Department, Faculty of Medicine Alexandria University.

1.       " Role of radioisotopes in evaluation of renal function in patients with bladder cancer ". Journal of medical research institute. 1993 Jan.5; 314-19.     

2.       " The role of interferon as a modulator of fluorouracil and leucovorin” European journal of cancer. 1995. July, vol. 31 A No.7/8:1316-20. 

3.       " Modulation of fluorouracil cytotoxicity by the combination of interferon a and g ” Mol Pharmacol 1998 Fab;53(2):252-61. 

4.       “Phase I and pharmacologic study of Irinotecan Administrated as a 96-Hour infusion Weekly to Adult Cancer Patients” J Clin Oncol. Feb. 2000;18:659-667.    

5.       “Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic effects of 5-fluorouracil given as a one-hour intravenous infusion” Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 2001;47 (3):117-125.  

6.       “Human plasma carboxylesterase and butyrylcholinesterase enzyme activity: correlations with SN-38 pharmacokinetics during a prolonged infusion of irinotecan”. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 2001;47(4): 283-290  

7.       “Preoperative radiochemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer”. J of Egyptian National Cancer Institute 2001; 13(2) 101-108.  

8.       “Study Of The Serum Levels Of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Angiogenin and Soluble Vascular Cellular Adhesion Molecules-1 In Patients With Lung Cancer”.J of the Medical Research Institute 2002; 23(4): 57-72.

9.        “Phase I study of 9-AC colloidal dispersion formulation given as fortnightly 72-hour infusion”. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 2003;52(4): 333-338.   

10.     “Concomitant chemotherapy and radiotherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer” Bulletin of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine. 2002; 38(3): 293-304.

11.     “The immunohistochemical expression of estrogen and progestron recptor in astrocytomas “The new egyptain journal of medicine 2002;27(2)16-22.

12.     "A phase II and pharmacologic study of fluorouracil given by a 1-hour infusion daily for 5 days with leucovorin and interferon -2a in adenocarcinoma of the large bowel" Oncology Reports 13: 1145-1152, 2005

13.     Review article: "The importance of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynmics in anticancer drug”. Alex Bulletin March 2008 .

14.     Sequential Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy in Treatment of Early Stage Endometrial Carcinoma: Single Institutional Experience. J Nucl Med Radiat Ther 2012, S:6.  

15.     Experience of peripherally inserted central catheters in cancer patients at a cancer center of Saudi Arabia. Basic Research Journal of Medicine and Clinical Sciences ISSN 2315-6864 Vol. 2(4) pp. 46-51 April 2013.

16.     “ Safety and Feasibility of Muslim Fasting While Receiving Chemotherapy” Iosrphr Volume 4, Issue 1(January 2014), Pp 15-20

17.     Intensity-modulated radiotherapy with simultaneous modulated accelerated boost technique and chemotherapy in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

18.     “Higher prevalence of KRAS mutations in colorectal cancer in Saudi Arabia: Propensity for lung metastasis” Alex Journal of medicine 2:145-49, 2014